5 Minute tiny POV.
Setting: I m walking around my living room and suddenly notice a tiny sound. I look down and see what appears to be a bug, so I go to squish it, but then the bug starts screaming? Bugs don t scream so I decide to get a closer look. I bend down and slowly extend my hand down to you to pick you up. Once in my hands I examine you very well.
As I examine you I notice just how tasty you look. I lick my lips just thinking about how amazing you could possibly taste. I open my mouth really wide so you can see all inside where you re about to be. I lick around my lips to taunt you. I hold you way up high above my mouth before I slowly lower you down into my mouth.
I try to swallow you whole but you surprise me by putting up a fight. After some time I finally get you down but you won t stop fighting. I feel you repeatedly make your way back up but I just keep swallowing you down. I can feel you as you give up and move all the way down into my stomach where you belong.
Where do you think you ll end up once I digest you?